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Secure Forests CIC
Protecting Futures

Our Mission: We believe that every forest should be protected for the future of our planet, working with communities, our training, technology and systems can ensure this happens.

We are now conducting our Land management and Wildlife Conservation Courses for Veterans and former blue light services! We are running 3 courses each year, contact the team for more information on the dates and the application process! We are looking for more candidates from the "Blue Light Services" and the NHS!

Latest News

Why Now?

We lost 11 football pitches every minute in 2022

Global Forest Watch

If this trend continues there will likely be no primary rainforest left by 2050. This will be mean our planet will lose a vital source of oxygen negatively affecting all species on earth.


Tropical rainforests are essential to saving biodiversity and slowing the climate emergency.

This decade is crucial!

Secure Forests Tree Logo
Tropical rainforests are essential to saving biodiversity and slowing the climate emergency.

Our Work

Applying Training and support,  the use of advanced sensor technology, data fusion and sound collaboration and thinking to support carbon protectors to:​


  • We develop local strategic partnerships with organizations,who are innovating and taking action to secure forests.

  • Training Carbon Protectors Veterans and Former Blue Light services and NHS to pursue careers in Land Management and Wildlife Conservation.

  • We support the forest rangers to adjust their strategies, operations and tactics as well as optimizing enhanced domain awareness.

  • Our projects integrate satellite and terrestrial sensor data with inputs from the forest ranger patrols and ground observations. ​​

  • We are able to integrate our forest ranger dashboard with a satellite informed GIS and deliver our training in multiple languages to protected area managers and non-governmental and government agencies.


Enhanced Domain Awareness

Data-Driven Enforcement

Supporting Communities

Forest Ranger Training

Holistic Forest Security

How Can You Help?

Forest Projects


Support one of our projects, Training for Veterans or Blue Light Services a group of forest defenders, or a community trying to help develop a forest-friendly local economy. Contribute to the purchase of new forest sensors for carbon protectors.

Image by Kunal Shinde


Just some of the personal Testimonies from our Courses


Ryan- “With the support of Richard and Secure Forests, I have been able to emerge from my past troubles with a fresh sense of purpose, a passion for conservation, a knowledge that I am playing a part in the essential preservation of the Earth’s green spaces and the skills to bring about real, tangible, identifiable and measurable change, ensuring generations to come have access to the ‘green prescription’ that has played such a pivotal role in my own life. - Former Army Commando


Patricia- “It’s been one year now since, I first arrived at the country park and at Secure Forests and I cannot tell you how different and better my life is because of the thinking time and space you gave me.” – Former Royal Navy- Engineering Officer


Jez- “The secure forest journey is more than I ever expected so far. I never thought I would be able to take to it as quickly as I have, the skills I have gained from learning about deer management to forestry First Aid have been priceless, the level of instruction and the will to develop all who have taken part in the course from Richard and Ian have been inspirational and has helped me find myself again. Even learning how to make a wooden spoon from a piece of sweet chestnut enabled me not just to make something with my own hands but also to focus completely on a task and teach me how to see clearly and get rid of the white noise in my head. The major highlight was sitting with wolves, an experience that will live with me for ever. It is plain to see how Richard and Ian are so invested in helping the people on the course as well as myself to get the best start in civilian life of which I will be eternally grateful for, as well as the friends for life I have made from the other people on the course.  

Moving forward I hope to continue to be part of the Secure Forest family in any means.

The course is more than just gaining various qualifications for land management and wildlife conservation, its being a part of something special and I am looking forward to the future.” -Former Royal Air Force Regiment


Paul- "I am one of those soldiers that Charities refer to as the “most vulnerable… that need additional support.” I am writing this cover letter as I feel that a voluntary offer of my time is the absolute least that I could do to support this incredible organisation. My reasoning is a passionate belief in the programme being delivered and doing everything in my power to help Secure Forests CIC achieve its goals, thus providing the opportunities, that I benefitted from, for other veterans long into the future. 

Being medically discharged for mental health reasons, I subscribed to the green prescription as a real positive for both my mental and physical health. Moving into the land management sector is nigh on impossible without holding any of the very expensive ‘tickets’ and holding relevant experience. After continual disappointment trying to get a job, I applied to attend the Land Management and Wildlife Conservation course with Secure Forests, now delivering the third course, which as well as being very in-depth, is also provided free of charge to those attending. Chatting with the director of the company, I felt overwhelmed by the belief, value and want for my skills for the first time in my transition.





Get in touch

Please contact the team for further information on our work and how you can support with this global challenge!

Thanks for submitting!

Get to know us

The founders of Secure Forests are former military personnel who served in jungle environments and were left with a passionate determination to protect them. Learn more about us at the link below.

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